Accommodation in Arctic Europe - 10 matches
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10 accommodations
1. Tromsø (City)
1. Tromsø (City)
Hotel |
Live like an urban Tromsøværing (local) within easy walking distance of everything the city has to offer.
The townhouses are unique older wooden buildings offering separate entrances to all the apartments. The apartments have been fully restore...
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1. Tromsø (City)
1. Tromsø (City)
Hotel |
City Hotel is an apartment hotel offering 46 well-appointed and comfortable rooms and apartments varying in size from 14.5 to 52 m². All rooms feature private bathroom and well-equipped kitchen. The larger rooms and apartments have a separate loun...
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Hotel |
Looking for a getaway in the Gateway to the Wilderness? In the village of Bardufoss you will find the real norwegian local life, while enjoying a cosy stay at Bardufoss Hotel and activities that will give you life-lasting memories.
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